Darwinism Is Fracturing; Darwinist Celebrates

Here's how to celebrate a fractured theory and forestall a scientific revolution: look happy and excited.

Neo-Darwinism Inadequate; Needs "Extension" and "Expansion"

A biologist and international collaborators want to change the assumption that neo-Darwinism explains biology.

Why Darwin Is Like Yoda, and Darwinism Like Marxism

Homage for the master is palpable in John Vandermeer’s review (Science, Jan. 23)1 of a thick new book entitled Niche Construction: The Neglected Process in Evolution by Odling-Smee, Laland and Feldman (Princeton, 2004).  Vandermeer seems almost worshipful in his opening lines: The nascent germ of many novel ideas in biology can be traced directly or […]
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