Rogue Scientists Play Russian Roulette with Humanity

"What were they thinking?" says a leading biologist about another gain-of-function experiment on coronaviruses.

Famous Geneticist Tells NIH that Humans Are Going Extinct

The facts of genetics make it clear even to evolutionists: “We are dying” and “More death by selection will not work."

The 4D Nucleome Project Helps Creationist Research

Here we tell about the 4D Nucleome and ENCODE project and the billions of dollars God is sending to help creationist research through the NIH’s unwitting funding programs. Hermann Muller won the Nobel Prize for his study of human mutations and birth defects.  A consequence of Muller’s theories imply that only 2% of the human genome could be functional […]

Crooked Scientists Get Rehab

For those who trust scientists, it may come as a shock that some bad apples are getting rehab.
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