Animists in Modern Dress: Origin-of-Lifers

The spirits of the molecules give rise to animated complex systems, goes the new false religion.

Researchers, Stop Kowtowing to the Darwin Party

It's not necessary to say that the biological system you're studying "evolved." Drop the habit and your science will improve.

How Darwinism Is Made to Look Like Science

A century-long strategy has allowed Darwinians to parasitize science, overcome its natural defenses, and establish storytelling as legitimate research .

Nitrogen Fixation: No Evolution Here

It's "one of the most energetically challenging biochemical reactions in nature," and it just appeared and never changed.

Waste Not, Want Not

In God’s natural economy, nothing is ever wasted   We learn in biology that plants use the carbon dioxide that we exhale, and we inhale the oxygen that plants and photosynthetic microbes release. Our skin flakes are food for microbes. Since fertilizer is made from cow manure, our solid waste could potentially have that function […]
Pluto (color-enhanced) from New Horizons, Sept 24, 2015 release

Can Pluto’s Atmosphere Last Billions of Years?

Pluto's atmosphere is freezing onto the surface again as its orbit takes it farther from the sun. How many times has this happened?

Desert Varnish Goes Biological

What was thought to be a geological phenomenon turns out to be the work of photosynthetic bacteria.

Nitrogen, Not Carbon, Is Killing the Planet, Worriers Say

Will the globalists start calling on citizens and businesses to reduce their nitrogen footprint?

Saturn-Day and Moon-Day Arrive

Last Saturday, we looked at news about Saturn and its rings. This "Saturn"-day we look at news about Saturn's moons.

Spinning Solar System Objects to Keep Them Old

If you remove the obligation to think in billions of years, many phenomena in the solar system make more sense.

Where Did Earth’s Water Come From?

Water is just one big problem facing secular scientists who feel a need to explain everything without design.

Beavers Clean the Soil

Without beaver dams, loss of nutrients from soil would increase, and pollutants from upstream erosion would afflict waterways.

Lightning Can Produce Carbon-14

In a surprise announcement, Japanese researchers found that lightning bolts can be powerful enough to cause nuclear fission, leading to new isotopes— including carbon-14.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 6: Chemistry and Probability

In this final segment about habitability of exoplanets, Dr Henry Richter looks at chemistry and probability.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets: Moon, Atmosphere, and Mass

This is part 3 of Dr Henry Richter's discussion on the requirements for life to exist on a planet elsewhere in the universe.
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