Archive: DNA, Insects, Human Body, Fossils

These stories from March 2003 are useful for comparing what science was saying 21 years ago with discoveries since then.

How Darwinism Is Made to Look Like Science

A century-long strategy has allowed Darwinians to parasitize science, overcome its natural defenses, and establish storytelling as legitimate research .

Nitrogen Fixation: No Evolution Here

It's "one of the most energetically challenging biochemical reactions in nature," and it just appeared and never changed.

Desert Varnish Goes Biological

What was thought to be a geological phenomenon turns out to be the work of photosynthetic bacteria.

Nitrogen, Not Carbon, Is Killing the Planet, Worriers Say

Will the globalists start calling on citizens and businesses to reduce their nitrogen footprint?
Blue lupines in southern California

Peas and Prosperity

A healthy plant community relies on natural mechanisms that agricultural scientists can tap into.

Scientific Progress Is Spelled "Bio-Inspiration"

Need fundamental insights into physics and technology? Look no further than the living world.

More Reasons to Love Plants

For food, for visual pleasure, and for the health of the whole planet, plants are worth loving and learning about.

From Hunter-Gatherer to Modern Farmer

Here are some headlines concerning early man and the ongoing struggle by humans to improve life.
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