Noah and Flood Get Media Exposure

Two events are presenting evidence for a global Flood and a floating craft that saved Noah's family.

Human Population Bottleneck Admitted by Secular Geneticists

Secular scientists now claim that the human population almost died out. Does this match the Biblical record?

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

A fun collection of lessons people can take from the story of Noah's Ark!

Ancient Greek Religious Art Depicted Eden and the First Couple

Excerpts from the new book Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art, by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.

Chinese Flood Legend Was Historic

A dam breach flood in China known only from legend appears to be supported by geological evidence.

Entrepreneurs Seek to Cure Ageing

Could scientists cure ageing, allowing humans to live Old Testament lifespans? A contest is on to fix the "chronic disease" of growing old.

Why You Should Visit AIG's Creation Museum

The Creation Museum in Kentucky is a treat for the whole family.

Review: Noah Movie Has Its Moments, But…

It's OK to use artistic license with Biblical portrayals as long as the art doesn't undermine the message.

Victory Declared! Science Reporter Trounces Straw Noah

The reporter kicked over a straw Ark, too, with a Flood of air.

Record Impact on Moon Ups Cratering Rate Estimates

The brilliant flash lasted 8 seconds on 9/11 – 2013, that is – the brightest impact ever witnessed on the moon.

Darwinist Writes Bible Commentary

A rationalist, Darwinist, rabid anti-creationist has surprising things to say about the Bible.

Rocks Don’t Lie, But Liars Rock

A geologist, trying to be nice to religious people, not only deals fast and loose with rock, but rolls into circular reasoning.
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