Darwin and Evolution New Evolution Idea Stuck in Old Darwin Fogma August 1, 2022 They call it cryptic persistence, but it's nothing new under the sun. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress May 6, 2022 Belief triumphs over facts in an evolutionist's claim that duplicate genes can evolve new functions. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Big Science Fossilizes Rapidly October 5, 2021 There's no soft tissue in big scientific research fields when consensus sets in. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection Is Catnip to Darwinians May 16, 2020 The words put them in a state of euphoria, dreaming they have explained something when all they have said is "stuff happens." CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology A Losing Theory of Evolution February 29, 2020 Evolution by gene loss? Are they kidding? Is that how to evolve a giraffe or fruit fly? CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Beetle Diversity Without Evolution November 23, 2019 To believe the Darwinian account of beetle diversification, you have to be willing to accept miracles. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection: Where Is It? September 2, 2019 Darwin's claim to fame is strangely missing when the critical eye reads scientific papers looking for it. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution vs Science August 24, 2019 If evolution were subject to falsification, it would have been abandoned 160 years ago. The facts keep attacking Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Report Card, continued: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory? February 7, 2018 Darwinism is useful in one demonstrable way: it keeps thousands of biologists employed in the business of evidence-free speculation. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinians Find Positive Selection January 7, 2017 Yesterday we broadcast seven episodes of the Darwin Fail comedy show. Today, we let some evolutionists claim success for positive natural selection. CONTINUE READING
Birds Bird Evolution Explodes December 13, 2014 Did birds arrive in a 'big bang' of evolution, or is their explosive appearance yielding a scattered jetsam of Darwinian theories? CONTINUE READING