How Earth Cleans Itself

Scientists are surprised at new findings showing automatic cleanup of air and water.

Beaches Erode Too Fast for Deep Time

Within a few thousand years, half of earth's coastlines will erode away. How long has that been going on?

How to Keep Titan Old Despite Evidence

Cassini's finding of a mostly dry Titan falsified expectations. But secularists refuse to give up on their beloved billions of years.

Mars Youth Shows in New Study

The basis for believing Mars is billions of years old and had oceans like the Earth comes under fire in a new study.

Comfort for the Climate Panicked

Take heart; the world is not coming to an end. Who says so? Climate scientists.

Venus Was Never Habitable

Venus has bad news and bad news: it was never earthlike, and models to determine its habitability are unreliable.

Climate Models Fail History Test

Can you trust a politically-sensitive science that doesn't know history?

Mars Lost Its Water Rapidly

A new mechanism for desiccation on Mars could have dried up an ocean much faster than previously thought.

Dinosaur Swims to Rescue Darwin

A duck-billed dinosaur had to swim like a duck over an ocean to save the evolutionary timeline from falsification.

Earth Water Was Always Here

A new theory for the origin of Earth's oceans tries to make a splash again. This one says the Earth has always been wet.

Another Big Science Fail Over Pollution

Is plastic polluting the world's oceans? Yes, but not nearly as much as hundreds of studies had claimed. Measure, don't assume!

Crucial Geological Proxy May Be Misinterpreted

Many inferences about past climate and evolution depend on a measurement with dubious interpretations.

Wood Buried Under Ocean Floor Thousands of Miles at Sea

Wood chips hundreds of feet deep in ocean sediments have been found. How did they get there?

Lunar Mysteries Plague Materialist Theories 50 Years After Apollo

Apollo was supposed to decide between 3 competing theories for the moon's origin. Conclusion: all 3 were wrong.

Fallacious Assumptions Corrupt Science

Scientists are not immune from the attraction of primrose paths that lead to confirmation of their biases.
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