Oceans Mitigate Global Warming

New findings show that our ocean, and the unique molecule—water—are designed to ameliorate climate catastrophes.

Two More Climate Snafus Found

Is the science really settled on climate change? Here are two more oversights in the models.

Big Errors Common in Big Science

It’s in the nature of theories to be overturned by new data. So how much trust should be put in current theories? Even the positivists like the reporters in New Scientist recognize that “There is no such thing as scientific truth, just a set of provisional truths that are subject to revision or rejection when […]

Earth Water Was Always Here

A new theory for the origin of Earth's oceans tries to make a splash again. This one says the Earth has always been wet.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets: Moon, Atmosphere, and Mass

This is part 3 of Dr Henry Richter's discussion on the requirements for life to exist on a planet elsewhere in the universe.
Earthrise 2015 LRO

Water Theories Evaporate

After decades of telling the public comets brought Earth's water, scientists are giving up on the idea. It was volcanoes, now they say.

Secular Ocean Theory Evaporates

The divination experts see a new vision emerging from meteorites, portending disaster.

New Earth Ocean Theory Is All Wet

Time to rewrite the textbooks again. Earth started out wet, scientists now claim, overturning decades of dogma.

Fish News and Fish Stories: Water You Know?

Some marine biology news is amazing; some just plain dumb.

Comety Show: Oceans from Space

Finally, a comet has been found with a deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio that is close to that found in Earth’s oceans. That had not been true of many other comets. Astrobiologists claim this ration in Comet Hartley 2 as “proof” that our water came special delivery from water-balloon comets. But why do they believe that, what constitutes proof, and what new problems does the “proof” lead to?
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