Archive: Robots, Hubble, Proteins, Cell Motor, Arctic, More

Here are some of our entries from our First Anniversary year 23 years ago.

Archive: Fungi, Dinosaurs, Octopus, Appendix, JPL, More

A broad variety of stories have been published at CEH for 23 years. Look back at to August 2001.

The Eyes Have It: Another Case of Evolution Falsification

A comparison of cephalopod eyes with mammal eyes does not demonstrate Darwinian evolution.

Evolutionists Refute “Poor Design” Claim for Human Eye

Evolutionists have finally caught up with creationists: they show that the octopus eye is not superior and the human eye is not "backwards"

Extreme Convergences Strain Credibility

The things one has to believe to maintain Darwinism should give reasonable people fits.

Fossil Squid Named for Joe Biden

It would be mean to call Biden a grasping squid, but that's who scientists decided to name a fossil for. It challenges evolution.

Life Exceeds Expectations: Aquatic Creatures

Here are some amazing underwater organisms that go beyond the call of survival duty.

Smart Devices

Nature had smart devices long before humans thought of making them. Here are a few that engineers envy.

The Best Science Imitates Nature

Biomimetics has everything science desires: inspiration, motivation, understanding, and application.

Silly Darwin Stories Never Rebuked by Big Science, Big Media

If you pledge allegiance to the Darwin Party, you can get away with pure nonsense and call it "science."

Media Give Absurdity a Pass If It Is Materialistic

It's amazing what you can get away with saying as long as you pledge allegiance to Charles Darwin's impersonal, unguided worldview.

Sea Sponge Makes Flexible Glass

How do you make glass that bends without breaking? Learn from a lowly sponge. Then look around for other ideas.

Natural Selection Favors Illogic

Nothing in Darwin's mechanism guarantees humans will think rationally. Fitness might actually favor stupidity. For proof, look at the reasoning of people who believe in natural selection.

Toy Octopus Is Far from the Living Reality

The news media are celebrating an autonomous soft robot shaped like an octopus. It has a lot to learn from its living counterpart.

Masters of Physics in Nature

Plants and animals sometimes keep PhD physicists wondering how they do what they do.
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