Zombie Vestigial Organ Argument Arises

 The case of a "poorly designed organ" argument that was resurrected  … and then reburied!

Long Necks Without Evolution

What do giraffes and sauropods have in common? A new paper shows how you can seek answers without Darwin's help.

Human Brain Size Varies Twofold

We're all human, but some of us have brains twice the size of others. And areas inside the brain can vary, too. What does this mean?

Face Up: We Are Less than Neanderthals

The facial differences between us and Neanderthals amount to a slight matter of bone resorption during development.

Plants Are Clever

They may be stuck in the ground, but plants know how to get what they need. How do creation and evolution explain this?

How Explanatory Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinians make big boasts about their theory as the central organizing principle in biology, but what does it actually explain?
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