Archives: Oxygen, Early Mature Universe, Cell Proofreading, More

This set of entries from January 2002 contains major announcements that we have cited ever since.

Darwin Gives Unwanted Gifts

Darwin's helpers are delivering something worse than lumps of coal.

RNA World Suffers a Backhand Blow

NASA hoped to find a chiral bias that favors left-handed amino acids. They lost.

Evolutionist Artificial Cell Membrane Is a Cheap Fake

A "membrane" concocted by evolutionists cannot meet the requirements for life.

Turning Evolution into a Law of Nature

No, minerals and stars do not evolve by natural selection.

Nagging Problems Explaining Life’s Wonders

In this two-part guest article, Dr. James O. Smith surveys the hurdles evolution must leap.

Archive: Fall Colors, Goby Fish, Virus Motor, Planets, Hiking, St Luke, More

Fall colors and St. Luke: here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Good Grief; No, Cells Are Not Born from Raindrops

Evolutionists think up stupid ideas when they don't have to face knowledgeable Darwin skeptics.

Mooney Tunes: The Fantasy Moons of Astrobiologists Leave Science Far Behind

You could be an astrobiologist, too. Just make up imaginary worlds filled with imaginary life.

Seafloor Oxygen Threatens Evolutionary Stories

The unexpected discovery of abiotic oxygen on the ocean floor could undermine Darwinian scenarios.

Weird Evolution Stories

Who needs facts when you can just imagine anything and Big Science will publish it?

OOL Research ‘May Have’ Fooled Some People

The phrase "may have" is not scientific. It is a value-laden preference stemming from a prior worldview commitment.

Archive: Ape Archaeology, Cat Psychology, Old DNA, and a Bridge

From May 2002, these articles are still informative and sometimes funny.

Astrobiology as a Drug

More extreme doses are required to keep the public addicted to their false hopes.

Archive: Tuatara, Eyes, Cells, Self-Organization, Astrobiology

More lost stories from the end of March 2002 are republished here. Topics: the tuatara, eyes, self-organization, cells, architecture.
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