Darwin and Evolution Friday Funnies: Evolutionary Balderdash September 1, 2023 If you replaced "evolutionary" with a nonsense word, it would make as much sense. Maybe more. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Arabian Artifacts Undermine Human Evolution Narrative August 19, 2021 Human evolution story is in shambles (again) after finds in Arabia, but the Darwinian storytellers have no shame. They keep imagining new tales. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Early Man Stories Becoming More Convoluted March 2, 2021 Trusting the Darwinians about human evolution requires willing suspension of disbelief. CONTINUE READING
Early Man The Latest Rewriting of Human Evolution April 18, 2020 Early Man studies are a moving target. Evolutionists keep re-writing our alleged history. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Bipedal Ape Fossil Falls on Its Face November 16, 2019 The latest ape fossil could be a mixture of species. In any case, it falls far short of the requirements for upright walking. CONTINUE READING
Early Man More Big Problems with Human Evolution July 22, 2019 Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples. CONTINUE READING
Early Man More Confusion in Human Ev-Illusion August 8, 2018 They can no longer say "everything you know is wrong" when nothing they thought they knew was right in the first place. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientific Discoveries Can Cast Doubt on Long-Held Beliefs July 28, 2018 You have to look beneath the surface veneer of bluffing in science news to see how the sausage is made before it gets packaged to the press. CONTINUE READING
Early Man March of Man Disbanded April 10, 2018 Although still widely pictured in the mass media, paleoanthropologists have long ago abandoned the iconic chart of the progression of human evolution. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Early Humans Have Always Been Smart February 14, 2018 Evolutionists trying to portray 'primitive' humans as evolving 'hominids' beneath our intellectual abilities keep running afoul of new discoveries. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Setback to Out-of-Africa Theory of Human Origins January 27, 2018 A new modern human skeleton found in Israel is dated much earlier than a long-accepted theory can bear. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Evolutionists Tripping Over Human Tracks on Crete September 4, 2017 These can't be hominid tracks. They are far too early! Well, then, who made them? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Antique Homo Claims Threatened by New Bones December 18, 2015 The number of potential overhauls in thinking from this thigh bone in China is staggering. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution The Farce Awakens: More Just-So Stories for the Darwin Crowd December 16, 2015 More examples of the art of Just-So Storytelling from evolutionary biologists and psychologists. Pick your winner! CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Fudging Evolution to Avoid Falsification March 12, 2015 Evolutionary theory follows Finagle's Rule #4: "Draw your curves, then plot your data." CONTINUE READING