Nature Is Therapeutic Even if Virtual

Getting outdoors is good for physical and mental health, but even looking at nature does some good.

The Teaching Power of Nature

Scientists continue to find reasons for getting outdoors and observing the beauty of the world

Evolutionary Anthropologists Fail Big Time

When you treat other people like evolved animals, you are bound to make mistakes.

Stay Healthy; Get Dirty

Studies of two people groups confirm that exposure to nature helps prime the immune system – among other benefits.

Music Is Noise to Monkeys

Experiments show that monkeys prefer noise over music, even though they have brain similarities with humans.

Happiness Is a Walk in the Park

Studies continue to show that people are happier the more they interact with nature's beauty.

Created Designs for Good Health

Science keeps finding that good health is built into the Master Plan.

Be Thankful for Nature

The health benefits of nature should encourage us to step outside and take it in.

Nature Clears Your Head

Why does exposure to nature produce so many health benefits? Researchers found some possible reasons.

Nature Time Improves Health, Well-Being

Stressed? Depressed? Take a forest bath. Another major study shows that outdoor exposure is good for the body and mind.

Outdoor Play Is Good for Children

A program to re-introduce kids to the great outdoors says, "Dirt is Good."

Spiritual Benefits of Physical Fitness

Some Christians look down on exercise as a carnal thing that profits little. Can physical fitness affect the spiritual life?

What Your Body Needs

Most of us know some basic things our bodies need, but it's unlikely many people have heard of some of these requirements.

The Nature Effect: Observations Show the Benefits of Outdoor Education

In a world of eyes stuck to screens, some sage old advice is becoming trendy again: get out and smell the roses. We reported recently that discipline problems dropped significantly when prisoners were shown nature videos. Now, a study shows that young school children learn better outside. Teachers need no longer fear that going outside […]
Children should enjoy the great outdoors

Take a Breather

For health and well-being, breathe the fresh air of the great outdoors.
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