Your Body Constantly Fights Cancer

Sometimes cancer cells take hold, but not for want of constant surveillance and combat by the immune system.

Is Cancer an Example of Evolution?

Does everything evolve, even cancer? Actually, cancer research is based on intelligent design, not evolution.

Complexity of Cancer-Stopping Gene Regulation Described

The molecular dance between molecules that prevent cancer in dividing cells is a performance that defies evolution.

Cancer Research Is Based on Intelligent Design, Not Evolution

To Understand Cancer Requires Acceptance of Irreducible Complexity

Cells Have Dimmer Switches

A metaphor has been emerging among biophysicists: cells have rheostats or dimmer switches.  The metaphor implies that some cellular regulatory processes are not just on or off; they have continuous ranges of values that can be finely tuned for the need of the organism.  It's been years since our first report that gene expression is […]
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