Archive: Rafting, Oxygen, Indoctrination, Mars Flood, More

These articles from August 2001 can provoke insight, disgust, humor, or any combination of the three.

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

More Ignorance About Bird Flight Admitted

Fifty years of speculation has offered no solution to how birds fly.

Mars Life Is a Mirage

It's an ongoing fault of astrobiologists to stampede on life claims. Two geologists want to yank the reins.

Fossils Are Racist

Nature says rich white countries are collecting all the fossils, skewing our picture of natural history.

Denisovans Were Modern People

More evidence shows that Denisovans were not primitive missing links, but a people group within humankind.

Dino Expert Cannot Explain Soft Tissue

Overheard on the Editor's vacation: a dinosaur expert is baffled by soft tissue.

Science News Reporters Act Like Echo Bots

Where are the bold reporters who investigate quack claims? They're gone. They all quack together like rubber ducks.

Bad Lip Reading with Fossils

Nobody hears fossils, but that doesn't excuse bad lip reading about what they were trying to say when they died.

New Dino Soft Tissue Explanation Is Toast

Evolutionists cannot deny the presence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones, but their explanation burns up in the heat of critical analysis.

Darwinists Use Fossils as Props for Propaganda

With one-party rule in any institution, everything supports the party line. Open debate would be healthy for paleontology.

Creation Research Advances

Look at how much detailed scientific work was presented at the recent International Conference on Creationism.

Synthetic Fossils Show Organic Films Can Preserve Quickly

In an attempt to learn about the fossilization process, scientists have found that exceptional fossils don’t require millions of years. Scientists at the University of Bristol are old-earth evolutionists, but what they found by experiment mimicked what can be seen in fossils. How long did it take? One day. Exceptionally-preserved fossils, like those of dinosaur […]

350,000-Year-Old Skull Looks Shockingly Like Modern Human

It's too old, but too modern: a skull unearthed in Ethiopia in 2017 has evolutionary paleontologists rewriting textbooks – again.

First Lizard Was 100% Lizard

Evolutionists celebrate the earliest fossil lizard, but have to push back the origin of lizards by 75 million years.
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