Bible and Theology Evolutionary Environmentalist Dehumanizes People in Tree Worship November 3, 2023 Should trees be given equal rights to people? A dangerous trend is rooted in Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection Is Vacuous, Says Evolutionist; Part II: Hidden Agency November 15, 2019 Don't take our word for it that Natural Selection reduces to the Stuff Happens Law. Listen to an evolutionist say it. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science If Materialism Is Bad, This Could Be Far Worse February 28, 2016 A new movement in some science circles could have theists wishing for the good old days of battling materialism. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Evolutionary Anthropology as Religion February 5, 2015 There's something magical about believing in evolutionary anthropology: a sense of numinous awe at how much they don't know but believe might be possible. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Chance as Evolution's God February 1, 2015 Astrobiologists and their reporters completely ignore probability in their belief that life began by chance. CONTINUE READING