Bible and Theology Christianity Spread Quickly to Europe December 16, 2024 A silver amulet discovered in Germany had an inscription from the 3rd century AD. The message was just published. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology The Eyes Have It: Another Case of Evolution Falsification November 20, 2023 A comparison of cephalopod eyes with mammal eyes does not demonstrate Darwinian evolution. CONTINUE READING
Health Entrepreneurs Seek to Cure Ageing September 26, 2014 Could scientists cure ageing, allowing humans to live Old Testament lifespans? A contest is on to fix the "chronic disease" of growing old. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Scientists' Letter Challenges PZ Myers' Revisionism September 4, 2013 In a letter to Nature, three scientists set the record straight about theology and science, after atheist P.Z. Myers got off with only a mild rebuke in a previous book review. CONTINUE READING