Bible and Theology Evolutionary Psychology Tries to Replace Religion April 8, 2023 Anything a church can do, evolution can do better, think evolutionary psychologists. But is science on their side? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Illustra Shares Peace and Hope November 20, 2022 Illustra media's newest short film invites one to dwell on good things for a few minutes. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Can You Have Godliness without God? May 16, 2021 Secular scientists attempt to promote righteousness through human effort. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Why Religion Is a Meaningless Category December 13, 2020 How can two ideologies with polar opposite doctrines and consequences be labeled with the same word? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Animalizes Human Values May 14, 2018 What could be more noble than striving for peace and avoiding conflict? Well, now the Darwinians say that peacemaking evolved by natural selection, too. CONTINUE READING
Health What Your Body Needs February 14, 2017 In short, your body needs the great outdoors. Studies continue to show the benefit of hiking and camping in God's creation. CONTINUE READING
Early Man From Hunter-Gatherer to Modern Farmer July 28, 2013 Here are some headlines concerning early man and the ongoing struggle by humans to improve life. CONTINUE READING