Evolution is the Fuel Behind Racism

  A Brief History of Darwin-Inspired Racial Prejudice by Jerry Bergman, PhD The riots that have plagued the world during the last few weeks were, in my experience, the worst I have seen in my lifetime. Even those that occurred after Martin Luther King, Jr., was murdered were not as violent. I was born and […]

More Upsets in Human Origins Stories

When it comes to a consensus on how humans evolved, there's no "there" there.

Media Perpetuates Lazy Thinking

Lazy reporters don't do their homework, two critics in different fields complain.

Human Evolution Proved: April Fool!

Anyone who thinks the evidence for gradual human evolution is unmistakeable should look at recent literature by secular experts.

What's Up with Alley Oop?

Here are some recent stories about human evolution. Some might deserve to be in the comics.
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