Fossils Do Not Say “We Evolved” – People Do

Scientists put words in the mouths of dead animals, as if they are dummies telling stories about their evolution.

Calling Something a Whale Doesn’t Make It a Whale

This absurdly hyped fossil is a WINO— Whale in Name Only. Dr Jerry Bergman gives it a reality check.

Otter Not Call This a Walking Whale

A skeleton of an extinct creature was found on the coast of Peru. Evolutionists are all calling it a walking whale.

Humans: Uniquely Endowed, Unnaturally Evil

How could such 'fearfully and wonderfully made' beings be capable of unspeakable atrocities?

Improbable Fossils Defy Evolution

New fossil finds demonstrate how Darwinians adjust their story around surprises they didn't predict.

Latest Fossils: Dinosaurs, Whales and More

Here's a quick survey of news about fossils, including remains of some monstrous creatures and a tiny one, too.

Fudging Evolution to Avoid Falsification

Evolutionary theory follows Finagle's Rule #4: "Draw your curves, then plot your data."

The Evil that Men Do: How Bad Governments Create Poverty

Ideas have consequences. When societies deny that all men are created equal, the masses suffer, even when surrounded by rich resources.

Exceptional Beauty and Design in Animals

Here are four animals, some you probably never heard of, that deserve design awards for art and technology.

Whale Fossils: Challenge or Support for Evolution?

When most fossils consist of small shelly creatures, finding a whale is indeed big news. Two whale fossil discoveries on opposite sides of the world are spectacular and puzzling. Do they support the theory that whales evolved from land mammals?

Amazing Fossils: What Do They Mean?

Almost every week, on continents around the world, remains of once-living creatures come to light. Here are just a few of the fascinating fossils that have been reported this month. What do they suggest about life in their day?

Hundreds of Whales Buried Suddenly in Diatoms

A remarkable fossil find has been found in Peru: 346 whales buried in diatomaceous earth. The preservation of the whales is so pristine and complete, the authors of the paper in the Feb. 2004 issue of Geology1 conclude that the whales had to be buried rapidly, in days or weeks. If so, it represents a […]
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