Botany Respect that Christmas Tree Before You Toss It January 3, 2025 Conifers are remarkably hardy trees equipped to survive harsh conditions. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Great Oxidation Myth Creates Absurdities June 13, 2024 A falsified zombie scenario known as the GOE is not a solution to evolutionary problems. It is a problem itself. CONTINUE READING
Fossils More Fossils Show Stasis, Not Evolution January 17, 2024 Where's the evolution? In these creatures, fossils show complex parts already working. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics To Solve Problems, Look to Nature July 27, 2023 A wealth of engineering solutions is all around us if we but observe and learn. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Light Shows in Nature Reflect the Wisdom of the Light-Giver July 4, 2023 July 4th in America is celebrated with lights. Here are some celebrations of note within nature. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Adventuring for Fake Science March 9, 2022 Researchers can go to extreme lengths to gather data for evolutionary studies, but that doesn't make it all useless. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Friday Funnies: Why Our Ancestors Left the Trees October 15, 2021 Plot Heterogeneity allows evolutionists to imagine any story that keeps Darwin reigning as chief storyteller. CONTINUE READING
Geology Desert Varnish Goes Biological July 6, 2021 What was thought to be a geological phenomenon turns out to be the work of photosynthetic bacteria. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution “The Evolution of…” Is a Useless Phrase July 1, 2021 The only thing the phrase accomplishes is perpetuating myths about the magical power of the Stuff Happens Law. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Great Oxidation Myth Unravels, Saved by the Scenario March 8, 2021 Darwinians never give up a useful myth. When it falls apart, they patch it up with imagination. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Diatoms Defy the Evolutionary Endosymbiosis Theory June 29, 2020 Here's why endosymbiosis cannot explain diatoms – or anything else. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Bad News for Plant Origins February 10, 2020 To find an ancestor for plant photosynthesis in red algae, evolutionists have to imagine a series of spectacularly improbable events. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Why Can’t Scientists Achieve Nature’s Designs? August 12, 2019 Biomimetics has been big for years now, but scientists are still a long way from achieving biology's engineering. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Manhandle Contrary Evidence to Support Darwinism July 27, 2019 How can one mangle evidence for no change or abrupt appearance in order to make a case for evolution? Darwinians do it all the time. CONTINUE READING
Botany Photosynthesis: Darwin’s Great Mystery Is Still a Mystery May 2, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman explains why the origin of photosynthesis remains a profound problem for evolution. CONTINUE READING