Rafting Termites and Other Dogmas of Ignorance

‘They’re not primitive; we don’t know how they spread around the world, but one thing we know: they evolved.’   Wood termites. Homeowners hate them, and termite inspectors make a living finding them and killing them. They belong to the family Kalotermitidae, second largest group of termites. In their own element, though, they are remarkable […]

Gecko Smacks Latest Convergence Tale

A "gecko-approved" story of convergent evolution is more like a funny Darwin commercial.

Fossils Don’t Speak; Evolutionists Do

Evolutionists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations. They conclude that many evolutionists are forcing their assumptions on the fossils.

Unmasking Evolutionary Fairy Tales

They sound so scholarly, but the tales fall apart without the secret miracle flubber. Here's how to find it.

Archive Classic: E-I-E-I-O in Old McDarwin’s Animal Farm

Some beliefs about origins are more equal than others.

Evolution of Language Studies Hit a Wall

Evolutionary linguists would like to find universal common ancestry in languages, but they can't get there.

Living Fossils Disprove Evolution

A theory that uses the same process to explain both stasis and change is not a theory worth defending.

Darwinism Does Not Fit the Evidence

Darwinists have been lying, saying that "the evidence for evolution is overwhelming." The opposite is true.

Pterosaur Beats Giraffe

A flying reptile with a neck longer than a giraffe's? Could it fly at breakneck speed without breaking its neck?

Darwinists Are Contortionists

To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations.

Evolutionists Fool Themselves with Darwin Trees

The methods they use are almost guaranteed to give wrong results a vast majority of the time.

Darwinists Build Fake Phylogenetic Trees

No matter what kinds of organisms they study, Darwinists run into trouble by trying to prove common ancestry.

Evolution in Action, or Evolutionist Inaction?

When critiques have been forbidden, lazy evolutionary biologists get away with incompetent scientific work and inept thinking.

Common Method for Evolutionary Inference Collapses

Evolutionists are going to be very upset over what this paper claims: phylogenetic trees of living animals are meaningless.

Flip Flops in Plant Ancestry

Are green algae the ancestors of all land plants? Do paleontologists even know that these fossils are green algae?
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