Dinosaur Evolutionary Tree Is All Wrong

Oops… The dinosaur evolutionary tree is all wrong! A new study has revolutionized the dinosaur evolutionary tree, producing “the biggest change to dinosaur tree in 130 years” (New Scientist. March 25, 2017, p. 9). The old theory classified dinosaurs into two significantly distinct dinosaur families, those with bird-like hips that point downwards and towards the […]

Evolutionists Rattled Over Battle for Earliest Animal

If the latest salvo in a long-standing Darwin debate hits, then the idea of evolution growing more complex with time suffers a big blow.

The Great Dinosaur Mix-up

Evolutionists seem to enjoy rearranging branches on the Darwin tree, not to find the truth, but to fool the public into thinking they're getting warmer.

Darwinians Honor a Fraud

Devoted to Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel was not above fabricating data to make his hero look better.

Fossil Flaw Tosses Years of Evolutionary Research

Fossils may be real, but the methods used to analyze them have come under fire, with implications for Darwinian theory.

Fossils Sprout New Tales

When unexpected things turn up in the fossil record, evolutionists get out their storytelling playbook.

Swimming Monkeys Keep Darwin Happy

The tree of placental mammals has been solved, Darwinians say, if you can handle one little complication.

Propping Up Darwin's Tree of Lie

A valiant effort to construct Darwin's tree icon in an open-source way may only serve to perpetuate a myth.

Darwin's Tree Am-Bushed

Darwin's Tree of Life looks more like a bush, evolutionists find in bird data; that inference is probably widespread.

Surprising Animals Old and New

Moving creatures, whether extant or extinct, never cease to hold fascination for human observers.

Press Welcomes "Lucy Neighbor"

Another species of Australopithecus has been named. But does the evidence justify the big to-do in the media?

Why Birds Don't Crash

A bird flying through a forest or city needs the reactions of a champion video gamer. It's got the software to do it.

Mammals vs. Evolution

Whether living or fossilized, mammals do not tell an evolutionary story.

Bird Evolution Explodes

Did birds arrive in a 'big bang' of evolution, or is their explosive appearance yielding a scattered jetsam of Darwinian theories?

Plants Are Clever

They may be stuck in the ground, but plants know how to get what they need. How do creation and evolution explain this?
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