Astronomy This Exoplanet Shouldn’t Exist October 29, 2020 Astronomers are baffled by a Neptune-sized exoplanet with an atmosphere that should have burned up long ago. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Exoplanets Are Young, Too December 22, 2018 Observations cause a major upset in planet formation theory, and the time needed for evolution. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn, the Bringer of Youth December 20, 2018 More discoveries of youthful phenomena contradict Gustav Holst's musical tribute to "Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age." CONTINUE READING
Solar System Pluto Rivals Earth in Geological Complexity September 14, 2018 Call it what you will, Pluto is a planet of surprises. Its active geology is second only to Earth's, say two planetary scientists. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Christmas Star Remains Mysterious, But Something Real Happened December 24, 2016 Theories rise and fall about the nature of the star that led the wise men to Bethlehem, but the fact remains: they saw something, and came on time to see Jesus. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Why Astronomers Hammer Planets September 6, 2016 Secular planetary scientists have a skeleton key that unlocks any planetary mystery: the BFH. CONTINUE READING
SETI Admit It: Mars Is Lifeless July 11, 2015 How much longer does the public have to be told that Mars "might" have life or space aliens "could" be found soon? CONTINUE READING
Solar System What to Look for at Pluto June 3, 2015 As New Horizons closes in on Pluto for its July 14 encounter, what questions should be asked? CONTINUE READING