Solar System Another Idea Fails to Age Saturn’s Rings December 18, 2024 Japanese scientists attempt to vacuum the dirt off the ring particles to keep them young looking. CONTINUE READING
Media Science Media Abandons Empiricism September 16, 2024 By failing to exercise restraint, reporters launch themselves into speculative fantasy islands. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Billions of Dead Things: Planetary Rings May 14, 2024 They're dead, and they're young, too. Rings are no place to look for life. CONTINUE READING
Media Archive: Neptune, Molecular Motors, Romance May 3, 2024 These entries from May 2002, lost during a website upgrade, are reposted here for edification, amusement, or both. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Archive: Fruit Fly in Flight Simulator December 10, 2023 Here are more stories from 20 years ago at Creation-Evolution Headlines, Dec. 2003. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Ring Around the Theory February 9, 2023 We all fall down, say theorists about a ring around a minor planet where it shouldn't exist. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn and Unobserved Events September 16, 2022 When is it rational to invoke unobservable events to make a theory work? Here's a test case at Saturn. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Secular Astronomy Fails, I: Solar System November 6, 2019 From planets to stars to galaxies, objects don't fit the expectations of materialists who work as astronomers. CONTINUE READING
Solar System News for Saturn-Day October 5, 2019 This entry scours some of the latest papers from Cassini for statements about the age of Saturn and its rings and inner moons. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn’s Rings Not Just Young, but “Very Young” January 18, 2019 Cassini scientists now have reduced the rings' age by an order of magnitude, as if they formed practically "yesterday." CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn, the Bringer of Youth December 20, 2018 More discoveries of youthful phenomena contradict Gustav Holst's musical tribute to "Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age." CONTINUE READING
Solar System Planet Origin Theories Contradict Physics June 28, 2018 Materialists sound much more confident than they are about their theories for the origin of planets. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Cassini Continues to Unveil Youth at Saturn October 20, 2017 Reports from Cassini's last days, even up to its last gasps as it plunged into Saturn on September 15, are not supporting long ages. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Ring Around the Dwarf Planet Says ‘I’m Young’ October 13, 2017 You can't declare something old just because your worldview requires it to be old. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Best Images of Saturn's Rings Obtained February 1, 2017 As Cassini begins climbing into high orbits over Saturn, it's starting to get amazing images looking down on the rings in unprecedented detail. CONTINUE READING