Surprising Water Found on Inner Solar System Objects

Recently-visited objects in the inner solar system show evidence of water ice or volatile materials.

Miracles in Solar System Origin Theories

Skipping over a difficulty because it can't be solved scientifically: that's one giant backward leap for theory kind.

Updates from Outer Planets

Let's review some of the latest news from missions to the outer planets.

New Earth Ocean Theory Is All Wet

Time to rewrite the textbooks again. Earth started out wet, scientists now claim, overturning decades of dogma.

Planet Recipe Cooked Up

Just add pebbles, stir, and get a planet. Is it real science, or just a game show?

Planets Defy Bottom-Up Assembly

As much as they want to imagine planets forming from dust, secular astronomers run into insurmountable difficulties.

Moon Origin Models Require Cheating

You can't get Earth's moon from a planetary collision without quasi-miraculous tweaks to the models.

Solar System Reversals

The planets keep going around, but theories about them often stop and go backward or sideways. When nothing else works, send in the impactors!

Astrobiology Hopes Dim with Exoplanet Findings

Harsh "space weather" around dim red dwarf stars may make planets uninhabitable. "Godzilla Earths" may not fare much better.

Stellar Dust Disks Crumble

Observations show stellar dust disks fragmenting into smaller dust, not growing into planets.

ISON Died a Customary Comet Death

Comet ISON was not unusual for breaking up and sputtering to a fiery end. That's in comets' nature.

Stellar Dust Disk Vanishes in 3 Years

According to widely accepted theory, planets evolve from orbiting dust disks surrounding stars. If so, planets trying to form in the dust around one young star didn't have much time. The disk evaporated within 3 years.

Three Strikes Against Uranus

Uranus has an axial tilt of 98 degrees, giving it the appearance of a bulls-eye as it revolves around the sun. Its moons revolve comfortably around the planet’s equator. This unusual arrangement, unique in the solar system, has challenged planetary scientists since its discovery. A new model accounts for it through a series of gentle bumps from impacts as the planet was forming from dust and gas, but how would one ever test such an idea?

Planet-Makers Ask Miracles to Evade Death Spiral

Remember the old artwork of planets gently forming out of dust orbiting a young star? That’s all gone. Reality has set it. Clumps of material a meter across need help – almost miraculous help – to avoid getting sucked into the star in a giant death spiral. If you don’t believe it, ask John Chambers […]

Accretion: The Missing Link in Planetary Evolution

Every school child has seen artwork of planets evolving from a disk of dust and gas around a star like our sun, but there’s a missing link in the story. How did the dust particles stick together?
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