Volcanoes Feed the Planet with Nutrients

A powerful volcano last January was followed by a phytoplankton bloom. What's the connection?

The Best Science Follows Design

Sir Francis Bacon emphasized that you will know good science by its fruits. Here are good examples of fruitful research that took inspiration from nature's designs.

How Long Does Geology Take?

Geological change can occur quickly, if conditions are right, affecting life and civilization.

Earth as a Living, Breathing Planet: Is It Unique?

A new NASA video based on 20 years of data from earth-orbiting satellites will awe viewers.

Tiny Organisms Control the World

An unexpected source that regulates global climate is found among the smallest of living things.

Fire and Brimstone: Why Earth Isn't Like Venus

Both planets have abundant sulfur, but Earth life has a way of cycling it for good.

Surprises from the Ocean

News from marine biology and geology are unexpected from a long-age, evolutionary perspective.

Viruses May Do the Ocean Good

A new study shows that viruses can help keep down algal blooms.

Exceptional Beauty and Design in Animals

Here are four animals, some you probably never heard of, that deserve design awards for art and technology.

Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA

The most information-rich medium known to man has been found in abundance under the sea, but man didn't put it there.

Survival of the Dude

Don't tell us that "survival of the fittest" was a myth. What? All those genocides for nothing?

Evolutionists Flaunt Falsifying Fossils

If Darwin’s theory were true, would you expect to find fossils that haven’t changed for a billion years? Would you expect that kind of stasis for organisms that lived in vastly different conditions than today? Would you expect, furthermore, to find an explosion of diverse forms of life suddenly, without ancestors? Rather than mourn their fate, evolutionists flaunt these falsifying fossils as trophies of their theory.
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