Big Science Lobbies for Abortion

When judging whether Big Science and Big Media are trustworthy, look at their treatment of abortion.

Anti-Christian Science Becoming More Blatant

The first step in persecution is portraying a group as standing in the way of progress. To many, a credible synonym for "progress" is "science."

Big Science Dodging Its Own Racism

They have the worst record on race of any institutions, but they are blaming YOU. This is the strategy of projection.

Margaret Sanger Gets Cancelled

Finally, Darwin Disciple Margaret Sanger is exposed by the liberal media! But is it enough?

Is Secular Science Re-Opening the Door to Eugenics?

Justice Clarence Thomas writes a stern, cautionary brief linking Planned Parenthood, eugenics, and Margaret Sanger.

Darwinists Unhappy About Trump Fetal-Tissue Ban

Darwinism cheapens human life. Here's a huge societal debate about the consequences.

To Improve Credibility, Science Must Get Out of Politics

Big Science journals need to either balance their coverage of political issues or drop them altogether to avoid losing half their audience.

Finally Planned Parenthood Comes Clean. Or Did They?

Planned Parenthood's founder was a bigoted racist, intent on purifying the human race from less-evolved beings like "blacks, Jews and Italians." Her anti-black organization's policies continue today.

Humans Are Exceptional at Birth – and Before

More studies show humanness from the start of life.

Secularists Treat Abortion Like a Religious Ritual

How can Big Science and the secular materialists who bow before their science altar be so in love with death? It makes no sense.

Scientists Paranoid about Losing Access to Baby Body Parts

You would not believe the hatred and disgust that Big Science has for anyone trying to protect the unborn.

Violence Is Natural, Darwinians Say

The implications of saying violence is a product of natural selection are disturbing.

Big Science Joins US Democrat Party Campaign

Science journals and reporters—even those outside the US—position themselves to defeat Trump and elect Clinton to promote their leftist causes.

Who Knows the Evil that Darwinians Do?

Look no further for disproof of Darwinism than the horrid fruits of believing in it.

Secular Science's Meat Market: Abortion and Embryos

When it comes to killing the unborn, science journals and secular reporters are all for it.
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