Archive: Moon, Cannibalism, Stem Cells, Religious Doubts, Censorship

These 23-year-old stories from CEH showcase the variety of subjects we have reported on since our first year.

Archive: Plant Email, Aliens, Sex, Sandstone, More

Here's a collection of short articles published by CEH in July 2001.

Archive: Wood, Gratitude, and Space Aliens

These stories from 2003 are still fun to read after 21 years. Read about wood, gratitude, and space alien morality.

Plants Do Calculus

A simple shoot emerging from the soil can add, subtract, and integrate multiple dynamic signals over time.

Friday Funnies: Evolutionary Balderdash

If you replaced "evolutionary" with a nonsense word, it would make as much sense. Maybe more.

Getting to the Roots Problem

Understanding plant roots requires figuring out how they solve problems of physics.

Time Dilation in Evolutionary Rates

The speed of evolution is like general relativity. It goes fast or slow depending on the storyteller's frame of reference.

Evolution of Pathogens Is Mostly Questions, Not Answers

Do evolutionists understand the origin of pathogens? Short answer: no. But there are non-Darwinian mechanisms at work.

Evolutionists Don’t Understand Their Own Theory

If evolutionists understood Darwinism, they wouldn't make such illogical statements.

Recent Plants Found Under Greenland Ice

Plant materials in an ice core cannot be a million years old. They look like they were buried in the recent past.

“It Evolved” Is Not Science

Secular scientists have a bad habit of carelessly appealing to evolution as a default explanation for everything.

How Flowers Bloom on Time

Plants seem to know when to produce their blossoms. How do whole fields of them bloom together?

Plants Use a Compass

Plants have a compass that guides their stem cells. No Darwinism in this discovery from Stanford.

Plant Wonders Inspire Awe

From small herbs underfoot to towering giants, plants have what it takes to thrive in their habitats.

You Can’t Fool a Venus Flytrap

It knows when you are trying to feed it something dead.
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