Footprints in the Quicksands of Deep Time

The human footprints are real. Deep time is not.

Weekend Climate Reader

Research on climate does not always match political hype.

Ancient DNA Overturns Assumptions

Increasing availability of sequences from ancient DNA is raising eyebrows among evolutionists but should raise alarms, too.

Climate Change Meets Evolution

They seem like different subjects, but they have a lot in common.

Extinct Animals Were Bigger

Why are there so few large animals today? From fossils, many more extinct animals were huge.

More Blown Assumptions in Climate Theory

Climate change is a consensus of global experts, except when they stand on assumptions of quicksand.

More Upsets in Human Evolution

If you like scientific truths that become untrue every year or month, join the paleoanthropology guild.

Anthropologists and Psychologists Under Fire for Flawed Methods

Poor sampling and other errors may undermine many things scientists think they know about mankind.

Geology: A Science Where Theories Undergo Subduction

In plate tectonics, continental plates get subducted and melt under pressure. That’s like what happens to geological theories. Read enough geology papers, and you will find old theories constantly being replaced. Classic examples include plate tectonics becoming the new normal after Wegener’s theory had been viciously attacked, and megaflood theory for the Channeled Scablands becoming […]

Lyell Loses in a Landslide

Politics is on the minds of Americans today. Landslides are turning geological votes away from Lyell's uniformitarianism toward catastrophism.

Radiation, Mistakes, and Assumptions

Three news items about atomic radiation should cause us to beware of academic overstatement.

People Portrayed as Predator Plague on Planet

Humans are exceptional, all right; they kill everything else. What would Darwin do?

Evolution Is Rapid Except When It Is Static

A new living fossil and others that must have changed rapidly or not at all are described in recent news.

Fossil Facts and Fantasies

The stories told about some fossils raise more questions than answers, even with top Darwin spin doctors in the operating room.

Precambrian Pods Promoted to Pleistocene (!)

The bulletin of the Geological Society of America started 2007 with a bang. (Geeks sometimes refer to the exclamation point as a “bang”.) It’s not often one sees an exclamation point in the title of a scientific paper, but the bang in one by Donald R. Lowe (Stanford) and Gary R. Byerly (Louisiana State)1 conveys […]
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