Year of the Dragon: Real Dragons Lived

Scientists—not cryptozoologists—are calling this beast a dragon.

Leviathan Was Real

They're not just sailors' tales. Sea monsters really existed.

Three More Fossils Appear Earlier Than Thought

They appear earlier than thought, but show no sign of evolutionary transition.

The Dinosaur Times

Reports about giant reptiles in the news: plesiosaurs and mosasaurs in the Sahara, fast-growing sauropods, Jurassic fish, more!

Extinct Marine Reptiles vs Evolution

Plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs were well designed. Saying they evolved does not make it so.

Darwinism Stretches Imaginations

Is the Gumby action figure of Darwin made of Flubber or Silly Putty? Either material works, depending on the need of the moment.

“Evolutionary” – A Useless Adjective

Take the word "evolutionary" out of most science articles. It serves no purpose but to twist data and mislead readers.

Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism

A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done.

Convergence Crams Uncooperative Fossils into Darwinism

When unrelated fossils have similar traits, evolutionary paleontologists twist, shove and stuff them into Darwin's theory with an all-purpose tool called convergence.

New Dinosaur Fossils Shake Up the Consensus

Fossils of ancient reptiles from different continents are changing long-accepted views.

Mosasaurs Show No Clear Record of Evolution

The tricks of the Darwin trade come out in force to explain these aquatic reptiles that evolutionists maintain came from land lizards.

Forcing Contrary Data into Evolution Stories

Some recent findings might raise the eyebrows of perceptive readers: "How does that support evolution?"

Dinosaur Extinction Rewritten Again

Who will go back and fix the animations?

Jurassic Ark: Mesozoic Fossils that Challenge Evolution

Here are recent discoveries of extinct terrestrial and marine reptiles and animals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous.

News to Enhance Your Birding

Birdwatching is more fun when you learn what's going on in those feathered bodies.
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