Early Man How to Be a Sapiens, Not Just a Homo June 10, 2024 Darwinism cheapens human life, making us pawns of impersonal, uncaring forces. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Social Scientists Ashamed but Still Ask for Trust April 11, 2023 One of the largest ever studies of predictions by social scientists shows an embarrassing failure rate. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination September 1, 2022 Big Science has long excused indoctrination, but now they are going all in for "interventions" targeting non-consensus views. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Social Sciences Flunk Science Test April 13, 2022 A historian of science confirms: the so-called "social sciences" deserve the criticism they've been getting for decades. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Prestige Crumbles June 19, 2021 Public trust in science has taken drastic hits lately, and Big Science admits it. What will be required to get back its respect? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Evolutionary Anthropologists Fail Big Time July 22, 2020 When you treat other people like evolved animals, you are bound to make mistakes. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Psychology’s Fake Superiority Over Religion February 16, 2020 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Yet they never learn. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Can Science Trust Itself? February 11, 2020 Disturbing news comes from scientists who like to portray themselves as infallible seekers of the truth. CONTINUE READING
Geology When Data Doesn't Fit the Consensus October 8, 2016 Like evolutionists, climate scientists have ways of oversimplifying or neglecting inputs that could challenge their paradigm. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Scientific Brainwashing Is Back April 8, 2016 Politically correct persuasion is at your doorstep, masquerading as a scientific survey. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Pushes Gay Marriage December 12, 2014 Is it the business of science to convert people to support "gay marriage"? Look what the AAAS just published. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Is Politics an Evolutionary Force? October 31, 2014 Penn State evolutionists see politics interacting with natural selection to direct human evolution. CONTINUE READING