Big Science Needs to Repent

In a stunning rebuke, 22 scientists write in Nature that science needs humility and transparency.

Transgenderism vs Science

Scientists routinely speak of people as male or female. They only change the habit when political pressure makes them cave.

Our Creator Is Not a ‘Thing’

A politician's flub in a campaign speech points to a deeper problem in our culture caused by evolutionism.

Can Science Trust Itself?

Disturbing news comes from scientists who like to portray themselves as infallible seekers of the truth.

Comfort Your Local Dogmatic Scientist

Scientists need a hug sometimes, too.

Homosexuals Can’t Blame Their Genes

Largest genetic study ever done on the subject shows no conclusive evidence genes influence homosexual behavior.

Evolutionist Cries, We Must Stop Human Evolution!

A few sentences from this evolutionist's plea should cure theologians of theistic evolution.

Political Bias in Science Media, cont.

This entry continues listed examples of political bias in science, academia and secular media.

Science Is Nothing Without Integrity, cont.

This entry continues yesterday's news about scientific integrity.

Big Science Failing Integrity Test

What happens when the purveyors of knowledge admit they are unreliable?

Determine to Oppose Determinism

Even secularists have trouble with books that promote the idea that we are what our genes make us.

Conservatives Feel More Purposeful Lives

Are liberals floundering in uncertainty over the meaning of life? A new study indicates that more conservatives have a sense of purpose than liberals.

Blunders Without Number: The Fraud Problems and Darwinism

Blunders without Number: The Fraud Problems and Darwinism One of the most respected medical journals in the world, New England Journal of Medicine, recently “retracted and republished a landmark study on the Mediterranean diet, and issued an unprecedented five other corrections after an obscure report last year scrutinized thousands of articles in eight journals over […]

A Look at College Indoctrination into Darwinism

A glimpse at how Darwinian professors intimidate, demean and punish students for their religious beliefs, exemplified by a rabid evolutionary professor at Ohio State.

Big Science Has Become a Political Machine

Many individual scientists honestly pursue truth, but the institutions of science (universities, media and lobbyists) push a unilateral anti-conservative, progressive agenda.
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