Leading Darwinist Advocates Breeding Humans with Chimps

A leading Darwinist advocates breeding "humanzees" to prove evolution. It was tried before to science's disgrace.

Evolution as Evil Illusion: How Darwinism Destroys Human Dignity with Illogic

With dispassionate nonchalance, Darwinists continue to describe us as glorified apes, and justify every vice. The consequences are not only disastrous, but illogical.

The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created?

Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature.

The Problem With Evolutionary Explanations

A new theory attempts to explain why mammals vary from teaspoon size to battleship size. But what does it really explain, if anything?

Is This Primate a Prime Mate?

The news media jumped onto claims that a tiny primate fossil is an ancestor of human beings, when it is really an amazing example of biological miniaturization.

Evolutionists Flaunt Falsifying Fossils

If Darwin’s theory were true, would you expect to find fossils that haven’t changed for a billion years? Would you expect that kind of stasis for organisms that lived in vastly different conditions than today? Would you expect, furthermore, to find an explosion of diverse forms of life suddenly, without ancestors? Rather than mourn their fate, evolutionists flaunt these falsifying fossils as trophies of their theory.
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