Paranthropus Not a Missing Link

Paranthropus boisei (formerly Zinjanthropus) is no longer considered a missing link. It was an extinct ape.

Darwinism Degrades Logic

Materialists like to accuse "people of faith" of pseudoscience. Well, look again.

Weird Evolution Stories

Who needs facts when you can just imagine anything and Big Science will publish it?

Why Don’t Humans Make Their Own Vitamin C?

The genetics of vitamin C variability is more complex than it appears. It does not prove evolution.

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

More Fossils Show Stasis, Not Evolution

Where's the evolution? In these creatures, fossils show complex parts already working.

Why Sex Is Binary

The new Woke claim that “Human Sex is Not Binary” ignores a massive amount of scientific literature

Friday Funnies: Why Our Ancestors Left the Trees

Plot Heterogeneity allows evolutionists to imagine any story that keeps Darwin reigning as chief storyteller.

Why Don’t Humans Have Tails?

A major anatomical change in primate anatomy cannot be explained by evolutionary genetics.

Did the Umami Taste Bud Evolve?

Evolutionary proof? "Umami taste receptors evolved with primates’ diets": a claim promising much, but delivering little.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on Darwin’s Titanic

Until it sinks into the depths of failed philosophy, the HMS Darwin gives evolutionists years of busy-work moving props around.

Ear Muscle “Wiggle”: A Vestigial-Organ Claim That We Should ‘Turn a Deaf Ear To’

Human ears were not designed to wiggle; their muscles were designed for other functions, says Dr Jerry Bergman.

Footnote: Evolution Adds Nothing

A new study of foot stiffness helps explain human walking and running, and might inspire robots. Evolution adds nothing.

Is Speech Far Older than Once Thought?

Dr Jerry Bergman assesses evolutionary attempts to answer "the hardest problem in science" – the origin of speech.

On the Origin of Lechery by Natural Selection

Women, are you listening? Darwinists justify unleashing unrestricted male passions on you with no responsibility.
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