The Left’s Anti-Science Agenda on Sex

One would think re-affirming women would gain a leader praise. In this instance, the leader is vilified.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont.

Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science.

Social Media Becomes the New Big Brother

Governments were to be feared before 1984, and still are, but these days giant corporations are watching you. Conservative and libertarian members of Congress were seriously disappointed to see the vote go forward on the FISA Act renewal in its current form (WND), without their amendment offering protections from surveillance on innocent citizens. The law […]

Rare Anti-Leftist Editorial Posted on Science Site

Finding an article on a secular science site that criticizes the left and defends the right is so rare, it was news.
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