Fossils Another Fully-Formed Pterosaur Reported June 12, 2023 Like all the others, this Aussie pterosaur was already fully equipped for powered flight. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Has a Pterosaur Ancestor Been Found? October 7, 2022 Looking more closely at a fossil found 115 years ago, evolutionists visualize it running, sprouting wings and flying into the sky. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Are These Really Pterosaur Feathers? April 22, 2022 The fuzzy claim says more about Darwin Party groupthink than actual pterosaur traits. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Cretaceous Flyers Challenge Evolution February 23, 2022 Cretaceous pterosaurs and birds cry out from the rocks, "We were designed." CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinizing Uncooperative Observations February 17, 2022 It's a fine art often associated with politics: spin doctoring. Evolutionists are well trained in this art. They have to be. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Pterosaur Flight Design Confounds Evolutionary Theory October 22, 2021 Is natural selection really capable of optimizing flight four different ways? If so, it must have godlike powers. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Pterosaurs Defy Evolution September 2, 2021 Flying reptiles appear suddenly in the fossil record; their diversification in size and shape astonishes paleontologists. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Evolutionists Connect Dinosaur Dots with Puny Fossil July 8, 2020 Leaping lizards! Evolutionists make extravagant case for ancestor of dinosaur and birds based on widely distant, unique fossils. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Surprising Fossils: Flying and Swimming Reptiles April 6, 2020 Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Surprising Fossils: Land Dinosaurs April 3, 2020 Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Surprising Fossils Astonish Evolutionists December 3, 2019 When fossils have to be millions of years old, evolutionists can't believe their eyes. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dinosaur Digest February 2, 2019 Here's a collection of recent news about the extinct creatures that fascinate everyone: the dinosaurs. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Bad Lip Reading with Fossils December 21, 2018 Nobody hears fossils, but that doesn't excuse bad lip reading about what they were trying to say when they died. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Darwinists Imagine Feathered Crocodiles December 18, 2018 Fuzz has been found on a pterosaur. That's not news. But split ends on some fibers are electrifying the evolutionary imagination. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Good-Flying Cosmopolitan Pterosaur Found Earlier Than Thought August 14, 2018 A large pterosaur in Utah is 65 million Darwin Years older than thought, but was already built for flying. CONTINUE READING