Archive: Motors, Teens, Geology Mysteries, Mars Flood, Pluto, Stem Cells, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early December 2001, restored from archives.

Radiocarbon Can Interact With Biblical History

There were surprises when radiocarbon dates augmented studies of Iron Age Jerusalem.

Archive: Radiocarbon Found in Ancient Coal

Dr. John Baumgardner reported finding carbon-14 still ticking in coal samples that should be radiocarbon-dead.

Old Earth View Requires Storytelling

If geologists relied on empirical observation, they would not get billions of years out of rocks.

Major Rethink of Magma Dogma

How fast does it take to fill a big magma chamber? Millions of years? No. Just a few months, actually.

Geologic Column Evolves

Like a prototype made of putty, the geologic column is less a reflection of reality than it is of ideology.

California Had Long Droughts Before Recent Climate Change

Those who attribute droughts to recent human-caused climate change should read this paper.

One-Eruption Volcanoes: On the Decline?

Monogenetic volcanoes pockmark the western United States, but their dates and causes are poorly understood.

Cave Art Dates Contradict Human Nature

After painting a pig on a cave wall, what did these artists do for five times all of recorded history?

Guesswork in Carbon Dating Exposed

It's the best-known radiometric dating technique for recent events, but it relies on numerous shaky input measures.

Radiocarbon Assumptions Questioned

Every dating method involves assumptions, because historical sciences are not repeatable like laboratory experiments.

Geology: Bold Steps in Self-Deception

It's possible to collect clues that suggest your model is working, all while heading off in the wrong direction.

What the Apollo Rock Samples Revealed About the Moon

The lunar rocks changed what scientists thought they knew about our satellite, but raised many more questions.

Oldest Animal Cave Painting Baffles Evolutionary Anthropologists

How did cave art of animals appear on opposite sides of the world at the same time? What’s being called the oldest cave painting of an animal has been dated by evolutionary anthropologists at a minimum of 40,000 years old. The baffling thing is that similar cave art in Europe dates to roughly the same […]

Late Heavy Bombardment Myth Is Dying

A favorite tale from the Apollo era, the so-called Late Heavy Bombardment, is being bombarded itself.
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