Fossils Too Perfect for Deep Time

Evolutionists never question the vast ages for fossils that are exquisitely preserved.

Fossil Graveyard Explanation Ridiculous Without a Flood

Giant ichthyosaurs, as big as a bus, do not become buried in rock slowly over millions of years.

The Dinosaur Times

Reports about giant reptiles in the news: plesiosaurs and mosasaurs in the Sahara, fast-growing sauropods, Jurassic fish, more!

Evolution as an Endless Tease

It's a scam. Darwinists keep promising rewards but never deliver. They draw people in with the "mysteries of evolution."

Echinoderm Graveyard Found

Thousands of sea stars, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and more found exceptionally preserved in catastrophic burial.

Dinosaur Bone Bed Indicates Underwater Graveyard

Multiple specimens of Edmontosaurus give evidence of catastrophic water burial after transport by an underwater debris flow.

Fossil Marine Reptile Buried with Last Meal Intact

Here is another example of an ichthyosaur that was buried rapidly. This one didn't have time to digest its lunch.

Manipulating Fossils to Fit Evolution

No matter how unusual a fossil appears, evolutionists will find a way to fit it into their favorite Darwin narrative, or else will ignore the non-Darwinian implications.

A Bird, a Mushroom, and a Fly Fossilized Fast

Exceptional preservation of soft tissues required rapid fossilization. Did they really die a hundred million years ago?

Fossils Too Detailed to Be Old

When you see exceptional preservation like this, is it credible to assume these animals lived as long ago as Darwinians claim they did?

Original Material Found in Triassic Reptile Fossils

The preservation of structures and original proteins in fossils has just been pushed back to the Triassic.

Stunning Fossils Featured

A magazine has displayed some of the most amazing fossils of animals that were suddenly captured in unusual situations.

Crinoid Pigment: 240 Million Years and No Evolution

Pigments from crinoids fossilized in early Mesozoic strata are identical to modern counterparts.

Hundreds of Whales Buried Suddenly in Diatoms

A remarkable fossil find has been found in Peru: 346 whales buried in diatomaceous earth. The preservation of the whales is so pristine and complete, the authors of the paper in the Feb. 2004 issue of Geology1 conclude that the whales had to be buried rapidly, in days or weeks. If so, it represents a […]
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