Spiritual Science: Anything But God

Materialists would rather escape into mysticism than consider a personal Creator.

Who’s Got Logical Reasoning? Protestants, Not Atheists

Surprising news articles undercut atheists' claims to reason, and score points for Protestants.

Evolutionists Think Your Brain is a Mistake

No religion teaches a miracle as absurd as the idea that a mutation led to human intelligence.

Evolution as Evil Illusion: How Darwinism Destroys Human Dignity with Illogic

With dispassionate nonchalance, Darwinists continue to describe us as glorified apes, and justify every vice. The consequences are not only disastrous, but illogical.

The Thesis: Why Luther Undercut Materialism

The very title of Luther's famous first protest spells the death of all materialistic philosophies.

Big Science Blind to Its Scientism

Big Science loves scientism, but the view that science is the most reliable path to knowledge suffers a fatal flaw: it is self-refuting.

Today's Science Hates Faith

There are individual scientists who believe in God, but their institutions ridicule any and all forms of "faith."

You Are Free to Read This

The question of free will tantalizes philosophers, because the mind-brain distinction is complex.

Scientism, Heal Thyself

The scientific establishment that sees itself as the paragon of rationality needs take an honest look at its human frailties.

Immorality Collides With Nature

When all else fails, get out the Manufacturer's manual. Better, do it before all the trouble starts.

Imploding Ideas Unnoticed by Their Advocates

Fewer people would say foolish things if they noticed how ideas can refute themselves.

Big Science Faces Credibility Gap

Many people skeptical of scientific consensus are not uninformed or scientifically illiterate, study shows.

Materialists Shoot Themselves in the Foot

In science, it's never wise to propose a self-refuting theory.

Science Reporter Says Scientists Are Like Cattle

A science reporter lists several reasons why scientists are about as trustworthy as bankers.

Evolutionist Beside Himself with "Science Denialism"

Sean B. Carroll is frustrated so many still deny evolution, but he shoots his own argument in the foot.
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