Rethink of Genetics Supports ID over Darwinism

Out with junk DNA. Out with the Central Dogma. Make way for design thinking.

Totalitarians on the Loose in Science

One must stop totalitarians before they gain power, or they will never relinquish it.

Darwin, the Idol of Richard Dawkins and His Followers

The adoration that the world's leading atheist gives to Charles Darwin goes over the top, says a scientist Dawkins refused to debate.

Who’s Got Logical Reasoning? Protestants, Not Atheists

Surprising news articles undercut atheists' claims to reason, and score points for Protestants.

Science Fails Its Ideals

Fraud, lack of integrity and non-reproducible results continue to plague Big Science. Fair debate can help.

Evolution as Evil Illusion: How Darwinism Destroys Human Dignity with Illogic

With dispassionate nonchalance, Darwinists continue to describe us as glorified apes, and justify every vice. The consequences are not only disastrous, but illogical.

The Thesis: Why Luther Undercut Materialism

The very title of Luther's famous first protest spells the death of all materialistic philosophies.

More Evidence You Can’t Trust Evolutionist Logic

The leftist agenda of most science journalists forces them to oppose conservatism, no matter how twisted their logic becomes. Why would anyone trust them about Darwinism?

Do Evolutionists Believe in Human Exceptionalism ?

One evolutionary psychologist demonstrates human exceptionalism while denying it.

Immorality Collides With Nature

When all else fails, get out the Manufacturer's manual. Better, do it before all the trouble starts.

Science Cannot Defend Moral Relativism

If morality evolves, then why do some scientists cast judgment?

Reason Honestly with Purpose

Science and society cannot exist without moral values. Use them; you were born with the capacity to apprehend them.

If Science Cannot Prove Anything, What Is Its Value?

An educator defends science while an astrophysicist undermines it.

Evolutionary Anthropology as Religion

There's something magical about believing in evolutionary anthropology: a sense of numinous awe at how much they don't know but believe might be possible.

Materialists Shoot Themselves in the Foot

In science, it's never wise to propose a self-refuting theory.
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