Big Science Cred Collapsing

Beware, believers in the scientific method: science cannot exceed the honesty of its practitioners.
Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642

Scientists Should Earn Trust, Not Demand It

Some academics are role-playing the churchmen who condemned Galileo.

Trusting Science Is Not the Same as Critical Thinking

Experiments with participants given fake science show that those who "trust science" can be gullible.

Fallen, Fallen Is Big Science the Great (cont.)

Here are more angles from which to view the downfall of Big Science and its accomplice, Big Media.

Watch the Christmas Lights in Your Muscles

Scientists use fluorescent tags to shine light on the biggest proteins in the human body.

Evolutionary Models Are Unreliable

Evolutionists find that models and assumptions in which they placed their trust are unreliable and unscientific.

Science Under the Microscope Looks Infected

Surgical changes are coming in scientific institutions and methods, due to chronic maladies coming to light.

Science’s Got Troubles

Numerous news articles point to moral shortcomings in Big Science that threaten public trust. The US Constitution was a great idea. But John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” (US Archives). Similarly, the “Scientific Method,” as it […]

Science Fails Its Ideals

Fraud, lack of integrity and non-reproducible results continue to plague Big Science. Fair debate can help.

Scientists Are Just as Morally Fraught as Other People

Working in a lab and publishing in a peer-reviewed journal does not offer immunity from the moral or logical lapses.

Big Science Agonizes Over Tarnished Image

Most individual scientists do honorable work, but Big Science cannot sustain its public image of reliability any longer. Things must change.

Big Science Wobbles on Trust

Fixing the gap between the ideal and the real will require factors outside of science, like honesty.

Unreliability in Science Reaches Epic Proportions

If it's a problem in a field open to observation and visible in the here and now—biomedical research—what about evolution, which is based on events and extinct life forms that are claimed to have existed eons ago?

Without Integrity, There Is No Science

Science continues facing a crisis in credibility, leaving Big Science institutions scrambling for solutions.

Psychology Struggling to Regain Scientific Image

In the wake of scandals and replication failures, psychiatry and social psychology are enduring scrutiny some practitioners call an "inquisition" or "bullying".
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