How to Survive as a Creationist in Science

Stay in the closet and accept evolution as God’s method of creation.

How Flies Control Eyes Size

Getting left-right symmetry doesn't just happen. It is regulated by specialized machines.

“Simple” Vision Is Too Much for Evolution

The complexities of human visual consciousness exceed the capabilities of evolutionary processes.

Super Designs in Amazing Animals, Part I

Animals of all kinds, sizes and shapes have mastered physical principles in astonishing ways.

Human Body Wonders to Amaze Their Inhabitants

There's more going on under your skin than you can possibly comprehend.

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Adult Stem Cells Eliminate Need for Embryo Killing

As another fight looms over presidential policy on embryonic stem cells, here's what the latest news shows about the efficacy of adult stem cells.

Mental Miracles You Don't Know About

Your brain and eyes do things that scientists didn't discover till recently.

How the Brain Serves the Mind

More sophisticated than any computer, the brain runs many background tasks to aid and assist our conscious choices.

Nerves Find Their Way in the Dark

Scientists are beginning to be able to watch nerve cells reaching out and forming connections.

Smart Money Is on Adult Stem Cells, but Some Scientists Still Lust after Embryos

When adult stem cells do the job, why are some scientists tinkering with human embryos?

The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created?

Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature.

Sight Is More than Having Eyeballs

The brain is integrally involved with eyes to make vision meaningful and responsive.

Sunday Inspiration

Need inspiration? Look at designs in nature. Even secular scientists are getting inspired.

Animal PhDs in Physics

Many animals and plants have mastered physics and chemistry. Engineers would do well to learn from them.
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