Junk DNA Goes the Way of the Vestigial Organs Myth

Yet another study finds that “Junk DNA” has a critical role in mammals.

Jumping Genes: From Genome Havoc to Designed Variety

Long thought to be parasites damaging the genome, jumping genes are turning out to reveal new functions.

Some ‘Junk DNA’ May Act as Computer Memory *

Growing evidence supports the hypothesis that certain non-coding 'retrotransposons' may function as computational memory for genes. *[Audio version included]

How Explanatory Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinians make big boasts about their theory as the central organizing principle in biology, but what does it actually explain?

Living Surprises, Living Hopes

Here are ten recent discoveries about plants and animals that are surprising and inspiring. Some of them may lead to technologies that can improve our own lives.
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