Darwinism Is Useless in Fossil Discoveries

Like a rabbit's foot, evolutionary paleontologists hope Darwinism will bring them good luck.

Darwinists Build Fake Phylogenetic Trees

No matter what kinds of organisms they study, Darwinists run into trouble by trying to prove common ancestry.

Slimy Evolution Reporting Continues

Darwin gets credit for more things than his theory deserves, which is very little to begin with.

Humans Can Selectively Wipe Out Certain Animals

The human impact on animals is well known today and is becoming apparent in history, too. Implications for ancient history are considered.

Scientific Materialists Crave Morality But Can't Evolve It

If Darwin's theory of origins is true, evil doesn't exist, and notions of morality are up for grabs. That would be a reality too horrible to endure.

Protein Residue Found on Hominin Stone Tools

Would you expect pieces of meat to survive on flakes of rock in the desert for 250,000 years?

Animals that Defy Long Ages

A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates.

Humans Behaving Badly Ecologically

By driving some animals extinct, are humans damaging the whole planet? Who will be the judge?

Scientific Ethics: A Reader Digest

For your weekend reading, here's a summary of news articles on various topics related to scientific integrity and ethics.

Freedom: The Best Conservation Strategy

Do-gooder environmentalists trying to save the Amazon rainforests make the problem worse.

Fossil Facts and Fantasies

The stories told about some fossils raise more questions than answers, even with top Darwin spin doctors in the operating room.

Living Surprises, Living Hopes

Here are ten recent discoveries about plants and animals that are surprising and inspiring. Some of them may lead to technologies that can improve our own lives.
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