Some Thoughts About Everything

How some super intelligence could create such complex but simple things is absolutely amazing to this veteran NASA pioneer.

How Did Dragonflies Come By an Intercept Capability?

Dragonflies can track a prey, anticipate its future path, fly to a rendezvous point on that path and intercept it.

Matched Design in Human Reproduction Defies Evolution

This excerpt from Henry Richter's book illustrates amazingly complex design in human reproduction.

Titan Is Running Away from Saturn

When a scientist up-ends what was long believed, how confident can they be about what they believe now? Don't outrun observations.

How the Cell Handles Oxygen: A Nobel Prize Discovery

Another amazing body function discovered – cellular oxygen regulation. It won three researchers the Nobel Prize.

What the Apollo Rock Samples Revealed About the Moon

The lunar rocks changed what scientists thought they knew about our satellite, but raised many more questions.

50 Years After Apollo, Our Moon Is Still Mysterious

Scientists in the 1960s were confident that the moon missions would solve their problems with lunar origins.

Mechanical Engineering in the Skeleton

Dr Henry Richter explains some of the design requirements for having a skeleton.

Wonders of the Immune System

Medical science and physiological research has barely begun to understand all of the facets of the human immune system.

Ode to the Amazing Atom

Space pioneer Henry Richter (PhD Chemistry, Caltech), explores the designed intricacies of the building blocks of the universe.

Spacecraft Launches to Sun, Still a Mystery

A spacecraft just took off on a mission to the sun, but not to worry; it went at night.

Richter Scaling: Is Funding for Astrobiology and SETI Justified?

Should the government fleece taxpayers again for a project with almost zero chance for success? Consider two "Richter scales" that should inform hopes.

The Frantic Determination of Some Scientists to Discover Life Elsewhere

We often hear exciting news about 'habitable planets' that might have life, or at least the 'building blocks of life.' Are these reports based on sound thinking about the requirements?

Van Allen Belts Protect Earth from Solar Wind

Geophysicists are still puzzling over how the earth's magnetic field and Van Allen radiation belts protect the surface from deadly particles in the solar wind.

Earth Magnetic Field Still Decaying

Old-earth belief tries to paper over a disturbing fact with speculative models, but 160 years of measurements show the strength of our planet's magnetic field is dropping fast.
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