Archive: Robots, Hubble, Proteins, Cell Motor, Arctic, More

Here are some of our entries from our First Anniversary year 23 years ago.

Animals Teach Engineers How to Manage Light

Tricks for light-gathering and sharp focus come from observing nature.

Why Biology Will Always Surpass Biomimetics

Humans can learn from nature but can never successfully duplicate nature.

Darwinism Is Useless in Fossil Discoveries

Like a rabbit's foot, evolutionary paleontologists hope Darwinism will bring them good luck.

Bumblebees Pack Aerodynamic Sophistication into One Gram

Bumblebees seem self-aware of their dimensions so that they can navigate tight spaces during flight.

Tiny Fly Beats Robots

Fruit flies dart, circle, zig and zag rapidly. Researchers gain some insight into how they do it so efficiently.

Smart Devices

Nature had smart devices long before humans thought of making them. Here are a few that engineers envy.

Good Science Bears Good Fruit

Science may not understand reality, but individual scientists know what can benefit other people.

Why Just Five Digits on Tetrapod Limbs?

Two family members each possessing an extra digit on each limb find that having a sixth finger is beneficial and useful.

The Best Science Imitates Nature

Biomimetics has everything science desires: inspiration, motivation, understanding, and application.

The Best Science Follows the Designs in Nature

The most fruitful kind of research seeks to understand nature's workings, and when appropriate, imitate it.

Latest Bio-Inspired Technologies Will Improve Life

The world will be a better, more sustainable place if we can imitate how nature handles and organizes its materials.

Biomimetics Parade Marches Upward

Scientists continue to find amazing things about animals and plants that they wish to imitate in technology.

Trends in Biomimetics: Copying Irreducible Complexity

Not everything in nature can be copied effectively for human engineering. Why? Nature is sometimes too good.

Make Like a Snake

Here are a few more examples illustrating why the imitation of nature is one of the hottest trends in science.
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