Op-Ed: Geneticist Exposes the Party of Sexual Anarchy

Following up on his essay "Choosing Sides," geneticist John Sanford names the party most responsible for "anything goes" sexuality.

Op-Ed: Geneticist Asks Americans to Choose Sides

Here is reproduced a call to action by Dr John Sanford, Cornell geneticist and leading creation scientist. Feel free to share.

Plagues Can Arise Quickly Without Evolution

Smallpox and mosquitos illustrate how diseases can arise quickly and spread through human populations.

Famous Geneticist Tells NIH that Humans Are Going Extinct

The facts of genetics make it clear even to evolutionists: “We are dying” and “More death by selection will not work."

No Natural Limit to Human Lifespan

Short lifespans may involve more about what we do to our bodies than what our bodies do to us.

Sanford to Speak at NIH

Creation geneticist PhD is speaking to the NIH, and already the Darwin attack dogs are up in arms.

Negative Selection Is Not What Darwin Wanted

Darwin wanted to explain humans from bacteria. He can't get there by just protecting what bacteria already had.

Evolutionist Strategy for Creation Event: Ignore, Fear, Block

A little creation event at a university has the evolutionists in a tizzy.

Two Studies May Indicate Problems for Vast Ages

Two articles in secular science literature point to possible upsets in long-age assumptions for the earth and mankind.

Vitamin C Loss Is Not Evolution’s Gain

Evolution predicts gain of function; genetic entropy predicts loss of function. A gene that helps synthesize Vitamin C provides a test between the two views.

Humans Are Devolving

“We are all mutants,” proclaimed a headline on Science Daily. “First Direct Whole-Genome Measure of Human Mutation Predicts 60 New Mutations in Each of Us.” The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute press release reported 60 new mutations per individual, received from parents – a “striking value” the article characterized the “unexpected findings”.
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