Archive: Jellyfish, Stem Cells, Quran, Bats, Homo, Titan, Spiders, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in January 2002, restored from archives. Some of the items here were of fundamental importance at the time.

Another Idea Fails to Age Saturn’s Rings

Japanese scientists attempt to vacuum the dirt off the ring particles to keep them young looking.

Billions of Dead Things: Planetary Rings

They're dead, and they're young, too. Rings are no place to look for life.

Another Saturn Moon Hired for Astrobiology

Liquid water under Mimas? Impossible. But if it is there, could life be far behind?

Archive: Titan’s Young Atmosphere, More

These articles from January 2002 still hold interest for us all.

Enceladus Has Cyanide; Evolutionists Imagine Life

Evolutionary hype over potential life at Saturn's tiny moon goes into overdrive with discovery of poison.
The geyser plumes of Enceladus can be seen from long distances

Archive: Enceladus Eruptions Reported (2005)

We were among the first to announce the geysers found on Enceladus.

Saturn Moon Pops Its Cork

The James Webb Telescope witnesses Enceladus erupting in a phenomenal geyser plume of record size.

Saturn’s Rings Officially Young (Again)

Old agers can't weasel around it any more. Saturn's rings are short-lived. They cannot be as old as Saturn.

How to Keep the Solar System Old: Struggle and Hope

Keeping the consensus age of the solar system is vital to evolution, but observations keep getting in the way.
Cassini at Saturn

Saturn and Unobserved Events

When is it rational to invoke unobservable events to make a theory work? Here's a test case at Saturn.

How to Keep Titan Old Despite Evidence

Cassini's finding of a mostly dry Titan falsified expectations. But secularists refuse to give up on their beloved billions of years.

Two More Age Troubles for Saturn’s Rings

Disruptive processes make it harder to believe Saturn's rings could last for billions of years.

Astrobiologists Ignore Life Complexity

To astrobiologists, cells are just emergent collections of matter. The difficulty of getting them to emerge escapes their notice.   Planetary scientists revealed their bad habit of hydrobioscopy again this week. They reasoned, Saturn’s little moon Enceladus has water; it has methane; it could have life! Why is that their focus? Why are they ignoring […]

Young Saturn Refuses Billions

Planetary scientists are trying hard to get Saturn and its moons to take billions of years, to no avail.
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