Showdown: Is Dino Soft Tissue Just Bacteria?

By dismissing dinosaur soft tissue as bacteria, Field Museum scientists may have given creationists a selling point.

Two More Soft-Tissue Fossils Pile on the Evidence Against Deep Time

Evolutionists are dodging hard evidence with an absurd excuse that soft tissue can last hundreds of millions of years.

New Dino Soft Tissue Explanation Is Toast

Evolutionists cannot deny the presence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones, but their explanation burns up in the heat of critical analysis.

Synthetic Fossils Show Organic Films Can Preserve Quickly

In an attempt to learn about the fossilization process, scientists have found that exceptional fossils don’t require millions of years. Scientists at the University of Bristol are old-earth evolutionists, but what they found by experiment mimicked what can be seen in fossils. How long did it take? One day. Exceptionally-preserved fossils, like those of dinosaur […]

New Dinosaur Fossils Shake Up the Consensus

Fossils of ancient reptiles from different continents are changing long-accepted views.

Dino Extinction Story Is a Fable, Paleontologist Says

What they tell you on TV and in biology class about birds outlasting the dinosaurs has paltry little evidence.

Dino Soft Tissue Confirms Creationist Prediction

Gleanings from the original paper show discoverers excited but surprised. Creationists are excited and gratified.

More Dino Blood Found: Evolutionists in Denial

"Can soft tissue survive 75 million years?" the caption in Science Magazine reads.

Giant Reptiles Roamed the Earth, Water, and Sky

Record-setting dinosaurs have been announced this month.

Rescuing Dinosaur Soft Tissue from the Ravages of Time

The reaction of scientists to irrefutable evidence for soft tissue in dinosaur bone sounds all too human: ignore, rant, rationalize; repeat.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue "Explained"

The discoverer of soft tissue in dinosaur bone now has a new explanation for its preservation – but does it really answer the obvious question?

Mosquito Fossil Found With Intact Heme from Blood

A blood-gorged mosquito said to be 46 million years old has been found in Montana shale, retaining hemoglobin from its last blood meal.

Intact Protein Remnants Found in Dinosaur Eggs

A new record for soft tissue in a dinosaur fossil was reported in Nature: collagen in dinosaur eggs from the early Jurassic.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue Case Strengthened

At a meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Mary Schweitzer gave more evidence she found soft tissue in dinosaur bone.

Dinosaur Protein Is Primordial

Scientists from 10 universities and institutions have verified that the collagen protein in dinosaur bone is primordial – i.e., from the dinosaur, not from later contamination. By first studying the molecular packing of collagen in living animals, and using X-ray diffraction modeling, they matched the surviving collagen molecules to those that would most likely survive degradation. They feel this establishes the authenticity of the protein fragments against claims of contamination and simultaneously offers a mechanism for its resistance to degradation.
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